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Stewardship Giving and The Three Pennies Challenge

Stewardship is our way of contributing to our mission with time, talents, and financial resources to help our community thrive in God's name. The concept of stewardship is that all members contribute according to their abilities to fulfill the church's needs


Our church does not have a fixed membership fee.  Instead we welcome members to make a stewardship pledge of an  amount of their choosing that they are able to fulfill.


We are often asked what an amount that a family should pledge.  Along with many parishes, we recommend that families consider the "Three Pennies Pledge". This pledge equates to offering at least 3 Pennies out of every 1 dollar of their monthly income to support our Church.  Please consult the table below for more information.


You keep 97 cents!...and you give just 3 Pennies to support your Church! If you have any questions, please reach out to a member of the Parish Council or the Stewardship Committee.

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The Mission of the Church

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Salvation of the faithful

Providing Sacramental Life and Ministries

Preaching the Gospel

Spreading the Word of God and Baptizing all People

Community Outreach

Care for the Poor, Sick and those in need

How We Fund Our Mission? .... Stewardship!

It’s not a Membership Fee or Donation

We become “members” of our Church at Baptism

God blesses us with so much!

Our families, our work…everything!

Based on our Gratitude for God’s Blessings

We give back a portion of what God has given us

How Do We Give?

Giving our First Fruits to God…not giving left-overs from our disposable income!

Trying to give God 10% back as it says in the Bible

Begin by trying to give at least 3%

That’s just 3 Pennies out of every $1...and that’s the 3 Pennies Challenge!

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How do I take the challenge?

  1. Keep an open mind and think about your role as Christ’s steward.

  2. Don’t decide on a random dollar amount and pay a “membership fee” or make an annual “donation” to the Church.

  3. Take the 3 Pennies Challenge and offer at least 3% of your household income to support your Church.

  4. If you have already made your pledge…Thank You! But it’s still not too late to take the 3 Pennies Challenge!

  5. Please make your 2024 Stewardship pledge TODAY

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